Casa de Campo | Blog | Travel Weekly: Travel Insurance at Casa de Campo

Safe Travels Voyager Protection Plan

When you are traveling out of the country it is important to have travel insurance to protect you in case of an emergency. The last thing anyone would want is the possibility to be ill during their vacation, and cannot get the proper care they need because they are not insured. At Casa de Campo we have partnered with Trawick International and launched the Safe Travels Voyager Protection Plan. This plan offers 100% cancellation coverage, primary medical care, and quarantine coverage for any medical reason even if it is not related to COVID-19. The purpose of the plan is to allow our guests peace of mind when they are on vacation at our Dominican Republic luxury resort. The plan can be added when booking your stay. Basic plan range between $142 to $240 per person in our guestrooms and start from $890 in five-bedroom villas that will be effective during the duration of your stay. There are many benefits to having travel insurance and we want to make your stay as enjoyable as possible without any stress of the possibilities. “We are seeing a significant increase in the need for travel and travel medical plans across the board, and we’re advising all travelers to have a plan in place or to purchase this type of coverage,” said Rick Bagnall, senior vice president of the Gowrie Group.

Learn more about the Safe Travels Voyager Protection Plan at Casa de Campo.

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